Seeing Red, a Bad Sign

Municipalities and / or counties in Florida have squads responsible for the enforcement of the building code. These patrols targeting self‐construction, execution of work by an unlicensed person and work without a license. Their weapon: the "Red Tag", a sticker which means the end of work and the beginning of the tape.

Lucie Manzerolle leads the division in Salbo Construction permits. She says that the list of jobs that do not require a permit is shorter than those required permits. Lucia how a "Red Tag" appears on a property and its consequences.

"A patrol sees a water heater outside. He stops, looks and asks to enter. If he finds that work is in progress, or ask to see the permits. Not given: "Red Tag".

In another case, it may be a complaint from neighbors that the noise bother or a member of the Board.

In all cases of work done without a permit, the owner will have to file a plan of work to be done prepared by a licensed contractor. According Lucie Manzerolle, the owner at fault will pay the cost of permits twice and perhaps three times the normal price, in addition to fines and time to get them.

We must act quickly when installing a "Red Tag" because it can be a daily charge as the work will not be done and even taking a judicial mortgage on the part of the municipality.

Avoid the hassle and entrepreneur Refer servicing to be able to get permits and have the legal staff to do the work.